Monday, October 31, 2011


So my weekends are always very busy and I don't get to do much sleeping as I wish I could.

Starting on THURSDAY I usually catch a ride to Turner Field from school with Morgan and Lauren.

THURSDAY after school I baby sat my little nephew for my sister as she washed his clothes and did some running around. He is usually quite after he eats so I just rock him in my arms as I do some sketching for the bottle project and gamesalad.

Then off to bed.

SATURDAY morning I finally got to sleep a little till around about 9 or 10. When I woke up I cleaned the house, ironed, and got ready for my uncles wedding. Before leaving for the wedding I did some running around to get some more things for my bottle project, which is using all of my money up.

At the wedding I took some amature pictures of my uncle, his bride, and their kids.

After the wedding me, my sister, and her boyfriend went to get something to eat which lead us to a mexican restaurant where I took part in eating a chicken, shrimp, and steak casadia. (Perfection)

After sitting around for a while I headed home to I changed clothes for the Halloween party that night.
Look who all was there. Morgan, Lauren, and Nevena were there when I arrived; also Deb left and Kwame showed up much later as I was in the bed around that time.

Sunday morning I usually wake up around 7 for work at 8. I'm usually in the booth until 12:30 so I do a little designing on my computer trying to catch up on the next weeks assignments.

After work I headed toward church where my grandmother had through a program to raise money for the church. During the entire servive I dosed on and off until it was over and I left to go home. I watched a movie, took some medicine, felt to sleep to wake up and realize I for got to post my blog. LOL

Here is a weekend in my life.

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